When I was just starting out as a quilter, I made this pretty green star quilt for hubby's buddy from the Marine Corps as a wedding gift. After putting it together, I realized it was just too plain and needed borders so I removed the outside rows of star blocks and added borders. Well, you certainly can't throw away completed blocks. Surely there will come an occasion to use those blocks in another project
15 years later, there they sat. In my sewing closet. Never have been used in another project.
Enter a reason to give them new life.
I have been wanting to do something special for a friend of mine for a while, but every time I think about it. Every tax day. I already have so many sewing projects going on I just can't take on another project. This year was different. See, my girlfriend in Texas is a lovely woman with two adorable children who I actually met thru her ex-husband, but I won't go into that story. Every year she graciously does our taxes and wont accept a dime for her work. When you have lovely people like this in your lives, you want to give something back. A token of thanks. Not only for the help with our taxes...I would rather eat dirt than attempt to do taxes...but for the years of friendship.
Of course I have several projects going on right now, but none with a deadline. So all the other projects were put aside and I started digging thru my sewing closet for ideas. That's when I heard it. The star blocks called to me under the piles of fabric saying Hey lady! What about us? When are you going to turn us into something fabulous?
The next quilt day I pulled these blocks out, laid them on the floor and my bestie and I stared, and stared, tried different arangements, and stared. Finally we came up with the layout and I went to work.
My hope is my friend will love, use and abuse this quilt. I hope she feels the friendship and gratitude put into every stitch. I hope.
Stunning!!! I'm sure she'll love every stitch!